Thursday, November 12, 2009

2009 Veteran's Day Parade

Veteran's Day is a time to honor Veteran's of the US military. We were invited to march in the Veteran's Day Parade.

We offered to stack arms with the modern army but the 1861 Springfield was twice as long as the modern weapons.

We marched with the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

The staging area was filled with interesting vehicles and people.

The Dunlaps were on hand to represent the Civilians of the Civil War.

A fine example of modern and less modern cavalry.

The modern reconassance balloon!

The parade begins.

The Dunlap clan pay tribute on this day.

The young cadets stay in step.

The modern carriage for the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War carries precious cargo.

The guard halted and paid respects to the fallen and living veterans.

The parade offers us a chance to give service and we will do it again.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nevada Day Parade

President Lincoln celebrated his 200th birthday this year and the state of Nevada was born, in 1864, during the civil war. As a result the Nevada Day Parade celebrated both the birth of Lincoln and Nevada. The Union assembled in clean and polished uniforms and gear.

The messenger boys were prepared to carry orders from the Captain and Colonel. They did a fine job of delivering recruitment information to the parade spectators.

Some new Cannon shot flew over our heads. Must be a large cannon to fire that size of shot.

The Colonel was on full glad-handing mode to inspire the masses.

The color guard did a fine job!

They even out paced the Presidential Buggy.

The sharp shooter's Corporal Ehrman was on hand to add security for the President.

The rear guard did a fine job also.

Always well groomed and dressed, the civilians followed behind.

The Confederates united with the northern states for a little while anyway.

Before we knew it the parade was over.

The President thanked the Union soldiers for a job, well done.

Miss Connie handed us our orders. We were sent out to forage and return with the required goods. We split up and went around scavenging for items to bring back to the Colonel's home.
We even foraged at the Governor's home.

A fine example of a veteran artllerist.

We assembled at the Colonel's home to partake of a grand feast.

The winners of the scavenger hunt were announced. The participants were really excited.

Miss Connie provided excellent prizes. Thank you Miss Connie.

The tritip was tender and mouth watering. For a Colonel he sure can grill.

Thank you to all that participated! Lets do it again sometime.